Monday, May 26, 2008

We are made of love,
And all the beauty stemming from it.

We are made of love,
And every fracture caused by the lack of it.

~Sleeping At Last

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fitter. happier.
more productive.
not drinking too much.
regular exercise at the gym
(3 days a week)

getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries.
eating well
(no more microwave dinners and saturated fats)
a patient better driver.
a safer car

(baby smiling in back seat)
sleeping well.
(no bad dreams)
no paranoia.

careful to all animals
(never washing spiders down the plughole)
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then)

will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall),
favors for favors.
charity standing orders
on Sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants).
car wash
(also on Sundays)

no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
nothing so childish

at a better pace/
slower and more calculated.
now self-employed.
concerned (but powerless).
an empowered and informed member of society


will not cry in public|
less chance of illness|
tires that grip in the wet
(shot of baby strapped in back seat)

a good memory.
still cries at a good film.
still kisses with saliva.

no longer empty and frantic
like a cat tied to a stick
that's driven into frozen winter shit

(the ability to laugh at weakness)

and more productive
a pig in a cage on antibiotics.

Friday, May 16, 2008

"Leaves set free from life;
soaring first like a butterfly, then

softly to the ground."

Set these thoughts free.
And they shall fall softly on paper.


he's in love with words.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

she just discovered a new meaninglessness in her life.

her new favourite music was fresh but years ago.
she's been living in the past.
holding on to melodious memories and her wet pillow,
hoping it would comfort her through what lies ahead.

fear of what tomorrow brings.
fear of being found out for the part she's been playing in this stage act people call life.

she wants to close her eyes and forget.
she wants to close her eyes and not wake up.
repeat and fade. sleeping at last.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i don't care if this makes me seem like a paedophile or an expecting mother. (of which, i'm neither)

but browsing through this fills me up with an inexplicable sense of joy. :)